its "FUBAR"..and if you do NOT know this word describing the world YOU live and "achieved"
..then google it or go to
alternatively It could be the BAR where our FU mission MEd1A team "hang out" silly expression..
WE will be alternative.. and you will continue to ignore our we hurtle towatds the storm that will wipe all human "race" off the face of this planet..ohhhh? maybe? no, for sure..
TV Series like "homeland" House of cards & "deep state: fictionize the actions of employees of one "state or another" but the truth is even harder to accept.. so no one accepts it.. as one comment stated..
USA, UK, French or now Russian forces rape the various parts of the world, (Africa for example) and steal the resources since 1000 s of years ... colonise or trick into one-sided deals or push them into wars that ravage these lands...
THEN...the varous politicians and dark agents of under cover activities stoke up prejudice amongst the ignorant sheeple of the world who then turn against the migrants or even refugees of the regions damaged by afore-mentioned forces (and NATO for example , infest those "strategic locations" with military bases after buying off the local government officials and so it goes on & on
..and you pay your taxes to keep it going on...
so who IS responsible for the damage & misery around the world ..who are the fools ? = YOU are! YOU FEED THE MONSTER...
part of our MEd1A TEAM;
daily posts via
by ; harvey.tuttle.7 and /Redawn plus other guests
we will add programs promoted on radio & net & links we like;
such as;
still Searching for intelligent life...on earth>
"souvenirs" ;
last night the "Bizzies" came into the caffe at about 04h to complain about the party, what cheek :p
March 24, 2016 at 10:56 AM · Podgorica ·
. I can not message , because the "friends at US agency" block me ...IN A "FREE society" ask yourself why they "censor" alternatives...!
March 24, 2012 at 1:36 PM ·
every day....dictators (on facebook or other aspects of the net) ruin your lives...every day corrupt people make this planet dirtier, every day corrupt "officials" get away with it, every day the mass looks away, the public ignores their friends who cheat, every day people get weaker and every day more kids suffer, and their future goes down the toilet with the choking of the air...but s its ok, enjoy yr weekend..its sunny! ..come on U REdS ! ;) wink wink!
March 5, 2016 at 10:34 AM · Podgorica ·
Good Morning, News its ONLY 19 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT.. yeT , they still preach the "american nightmare" to the rest of the world! ... but who is really stupid? I suggest it is you, if you are those who follow the "US(eless) preachers" :) ..................btw , "get out of our club" (u greedy b'stards)
recommended viewing ; "the insider" ...accurate recount of a TRUE story of the "whistleblower" who dared to expose the ADDICTIVE POISON within cigarettes... & the USA tobacco industry making profit out of killing YOU! ... (oh when will they censor me permanently?) ;) ... educated people are making canabis LEGAL in THEIR countries , but those who dont simply want to TAX you on the poison you voluntarily consume... ha ha ..intelligent Life on this planet?// ?? unlikely...and rare!
June 12, 2013 at 10:24 PM ·
the govts. of the whole world are much the same.. it was predicted 20 years ago that the last world war would be between northern hemisphere and south...that was a mis-interpretation of that which is currently happening across the globe.. those in power will use any means against the poor and the public to retain their position, property or status, and DO violate all human rights in the process,
in the USA......
..."Taxim" wont happen..because they eliminate activists BEFORE they go public... blame the people, because the people's apathy or greed have allowed this to happen, the storm is here, in nature and society ... the titanic sunk, (a long time ago,even if u didnt notice) so , better make yourself a LIFE boat!
be well!"
oooohhhh..sheer nostalgia .. the scenes, the streets, the music, (the small ad for the Beatles! ) the port.. the fashion (my Beatles haircut ) suits & ties .. just add footy Shanks & ignite.. = LIVERPOOL .."there are places I remember... :
Chris >
greetings & best wishes ;) from friends of
& MEd1A TEAM @
Evolving Co-operative initiative... here @
The alternative"Mr Smith"
this is the "TRAILER" of a TRUE story...
like so many heroes & anti-heroes theres always an alternative story
the film "Matrix" had one of the "agent Smith:..
this is our version.. a true one...
a universal spirit chose a family from the Island north of europe
to host a child born to a mature couple who had survived WW2
and he became the youngest ,
by 10 years born into that socialist home..
An intense child, who suffered from migrains..
who listened to the exchanges
of his parents and his brothers & sister ,
he was 10 years their junior..and alone in his room,
studied science fixtion, addicted to SF TV like "space patrol" and later "Star Trek"
at 10 studied Strategies of WW2 generals
...and was "at home" when playing 007 with his neighbours
...his mother told him much about life
, who was engaged in socialist politics
he loved her & his honest, quiet but strong father. he soaked up info..
migrains stole school time
... but when fit would spend all day playing football in the fields
or acting out imaginary stories in the empty concrete AA bunkers...
Bill and Nancy Smith, buried at Canvey showed much love, Everyone loved died or was stolen, saw his Dad buried,
the only funeral he was able to attend. having survived being Blind at the age of 5 , falling on a glass bottle in a field.
coped with being alone in an adult eye hospital in London, 3 months blind and 3 months recovery.
protected a polio kid on my first day of school, and knocked out a bully with one punch!
Enjoyed history and Geography , had a bad art & music teacher , and was top in Maths & english.
became the youngest captain of the local football team.
but abandoned his great passion, to
help his family income, & a job ,given at his first and last proper interview, at 16,
in wine shipping co, London
The first "sexual relationship" with a girl who then told him she had a daughter from a man who ran off and left her,
so married her and adopted 6 month old Sarah. Adam was born a year later...
became Manager (Logistics) of London shipping co. at the age of 19, when they found he could do the job,cheaper and better than the older man, (middle aged man)
with house, wife amd adopted family.
His first wife left him , going home to visit her mother , she met a younger man, (!) after ADAM was born..
she left a " dearjohn" note and Smith's pain turned into energy channeled into career & football..
career took over his time though,.( but still managed to support his club during business travels later)
Joined "ISIS shipping" (hello c1a!) London and became international Commercial manager ,
organising shipments taking over from middle aged Peter King, began pan - european travel & negociating agent tarifs at 21
..and a couple of years later, after crashing his first new company car on a french holiday with girfriend (GM)
crashed another car during an interview with another company, which he quit a week later,
before becoming Youngest manager (new service development) of the largest logistics company in europe (Calberson)with head office in Paris,
then head-hunted by Essel shipping London, who "bought" HIM)
was fired after a rumour betrayed him,
Started Seabrook & Smith Ltd, in the middle of a recession, had unique a method of management ,
with just 2 people organising the movement of several million bottles from zero with just 500 GBP invested. tHus, Achieved all career goals before age 30,
to be a manager, to travel, to own own company & after just 2 years as instigator, MD/co-owner was Multi millionaire (based on todays monetary value)
married the beautiful Jacqui, best friend & colleague of his gf !!
Some meddling by partners wife
...after leaving S & S."party period" , formed 8 companies; agencies, import/export, shipping, distribution, forwarding, wine warehouse and wine win bar,
had to deal with family crisis when Informed that my first wife had allowed one of her many BFs to violate children Sarah & Adam, (discovered 5 years later)
Adam died as adult. mental sickness...(drugs ^ etc)
After he survived betrayal by investment partners,(one who died in a :plane crash; RW) conspiracy by ex partner GF,
Linda & Brother , losing a Million GBP& family. house and all assets, became :house man: and started again.... became freelance strategic manager,
initiating many different networking and JV projects including lecturing senior police commanders about security management, developed confidential protects,
met many unusual govt and business characters before starting ANOTHER new career included 1988 awarded commendation for record investment achievement,
highest commission earned whilstconsulting for SAS (Sun Alliance Services) :) within 1 year of training
...during this changing travel time.. was Made "man of the year" (during Bordeaux covention) by Round Table International (europe) for achievements
in international co-ordination, also RT Italia gave "homorary membership, despite being "loose" unattached to any fixed location.
made some new peofit which was invested all into 7 years construction of Global networking multi media project ("to end all projects")
development of multi-media comms connecting clients in 45 countries, with 300 partner companies & 500+ services
.....Having Walked away, unhurt, from 3 car crashes where the cars were "written off" ...(Trento too with Jacqui, Karen & dave, story at Wine bar
)... At the network fruition , after a week negotiating , amongst other things ,
the commercialization of former soviet satellite system,to employ 2k ppl, "silicon valley"
.....survived a meningitis induced coma
and was
"Born again" ; dropped out of system, with a clear vision of a better world.
vowed NEVER to work for money again, and be HONEST in all endeavours , whatever the cost, for the sake of the planets children.
* Formed Freedome & Union (mission) & associated charity projects (EPOCH)
Human Shields -
protection of hospitals & schools in Baghdad pre-invasion
- free health services for "sans papier" migrants/refugees
NGO.s for ... those violated by the state, & estranged children & parents
Eco courses for environmental education & anti nuclear and anti pollution actions
During 10 years of "alternative activism"
made 54 complaints against german "Beamte" police, attorneys, judges, civil servants, officials, politicians & citizens at ECHR (Strasbourg)
(state reacted by fake deportation and assisted theft of children Leon & Noela.)
Organised first "RED nose (charity) events in Netherlands (Groeningen) & Montenegro (Danilovgrad)
Youth Teams - S
ponsored in the Balkans & various charitable projects (* RED nose events and support for various individuals)
.....and was "attacked" for forming , sponsoring and promoting ALTERNATIVE football
confederation...(AeFan ; eurofootyliga) ...
is now....ALIVE
re. The blog. ..
Such a conglomeration of opinions from different philosophers, religious leaders, TED talkers and politically active comedians... some really great, some naive, some questionable, some condescending... but all delivered by the blogger with a full complement of their favourite expletives and ridicule of anyone who would challenge or even simply disagree with their opinions and judgement, like they know beyond doubt that they are right and we shall ignore what they say at our peril.
It seems to me that this blog is its own definition of irony... telling us not to be sheeple while telling us to pay attention only to what they are blogging.
What a shame that such good content is so diluted by such poor content.
Ed Gilchrist> Crvena... did you know that the blog link comes with a Google Warning? ...although I'm not making any statement about whether a censorship by Google is a good thing or a bad thing ;-)
Here's what it tells you when to click the link...
"Content Warning
Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe that this blog's content is objectionable. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Terms of Service."
Mark Anthony> Ed Gilchrist Not sure what Google is doing with that warning. As with most media which is subject to warnings/banning whether it be films, books, social media etc then audience figures go through the roof. I would personally seek out anything which was banned in order to see why so
Jim All the mass debating will not change the result either. The outcome was to leave.
Crvena Dawn > Ed Gilchrist & Jim ..well the nations media decided that Hillsborough was our fault... we didnt accept that because it was wrong..but the future direction of your nation was based on a farce and you accept it? its a mess and the result will be a fudge and thats that! biggest defeat of justice in history of england
Ed Gilchrist > Crvena.... It's a mess now because too many of our MPs chose to go back on their word and oppose the result. Have you actually read the treaties?? I suggest you do. We can then have a proper discussion about specifics.
If you want a federal europe, that's OK. Many people do. If you don't, then we need to be out.
Crvena Dawn > still missed the point, u look at everything like a scientist not as a concept, and the sheeple just follow .. "Europe" broken up will be handed to extreme factions, fascism & "patriots (like ukippers) solve it! (fexit ha ha) dont run away from it it wont happen, and everyone will suffer either way .. but if it does will only have yourselves to blame for the consequences of a lost continent,..ah but why should i waste my time on englanders was lost as soon as you voted for the Tories (and the Blair version of capitalism before them) .. ..enough of this BS!.. blind lead the sheeple into the abyss ..
==============================================__ _____________________________________________
"what WE do @ Liverpool - echoes in Eternity"
#censoRED #LbiRD #REdEvolvers #REdNET #colouREDS
K i T (Kids in trouble) charitable initiative ; part of F & U mission ; CRS Campaign ; Montenegro 2022 intro video @
5 year plan ; and campaign ; true REd Evolution
with greetings from friends of
@RedAlieNeT @RedAndWhiteKop @MelissaReddy. BS! dont need anyone having a name bigger than LIVERPOOL or our emblem =over 30 million ans worldwide WE make "own label" shirts with a factory deal that could cut the costs in half for supporters & still profit.. #censoREDS #REdNET
modern fans conned into narrow thinking that they MUST have commercial sh&te all over our shirts,,,
The idea of this local (K.I.T associated) dojo is not only defensive judo but also to exercise all muscles & character building,
too many adopt aggressive martial arts which is un-necessary ...
Marija is doing a great job with kids and also showing them how to believe in themselves instead of following the herd,,
, :)
the main problems here are ..
a) most fans do NOT understand or do not care about these ManCiteh FRAUD klub violations and.....
MORE IMPORTANT ..since 2014 ...(when they "bought the title" )
UEFA, FIFA, and most of the FA's officials are either inefficient or CORRUPT..
so who polices the police?
and b)
this problem is not exclusive to Football! its true of the world of government ... either inept or corrupt or both..!
Christopher Richard Smith
because some people abuse a church,? does that mean all the churches of "Christian faith" in all the world,
how many thousands? should be locked at night..???
contradicts the beliefs that the christian messsiah stated to be followed..??? read your bible, mate :)
Chris> rather hear of a a priest staying up all night caring for the homeless than doing WHAT all day?
p.s. and what has the church got , or have , that should not be stolen , is it there for the human benefit, or as just a symbol ? surely CHRISTian ("meaning Christ-like") needs opening up for the poor & needy to be helped and saved,, would your Christ want people freezing, starving or dying in the streets whilst your priests , monks or nuns are inside int he warm & fed?
Tim Moore > And there are royal residencies with their thousands of spare rooms at any one time.
Chris> and of course their ancestors stole the land from the people and then demanded tax ,
its amazing how people have just accepted this crime!
... if you look around the world, just think how many properties are empty ,
its a disgrace.. speculation & marketing causes inflation and the cost of producs etc to rise,
but ppl are their own worst enemy .. just keep feeding the monster which is killing us
'It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.
~Robert G. Ingersoll'
you could not make it up, the USA is SO ridiculous now, that its impossible to pass reasonable comment.
their "material " will keep comedians in business for the next 100 years... (if the planet lasts that long //////......)
sick but laughable!…/-British-Political-Satirist-Jonathan Pie..…
_____________for me??, be careful what you wish for?
When you wave the "feminism flag" think how much power you already have..
...the power to say "NO" be a build a family , or NOT!
- the power to give birth to another Human BEing...consider that gift..!!!!!
- ..the power of influence to a new born and usually 5 years at least alone in your care..!
(? how many realise this before conception?)
... the power to be a single parent, if that's what you want..
..and the power to be a woman, to be feminine, care and love...or not! bond with nature...or ruin it by repeating the mistakes of man?
so , I repeat ; be careful what you wish may get it the responsibility & consequences that accompany power...
are huge...!
hypocrites! @TAW is not much better than those who knee-jerk! over ANALysis & extreme pre-post matcha hype, bigging up when silence would not go amiss! plus society is weker, & reflected in the Anfield crowd "spectators" balls needed on & off the pitch #censoRED #LbiRD
so many fail to get it, that route cause is the pressure mounting since 2007, when the first wave of boardroom sharks arrived.. no major trophy in 12 seasons is too much for inexperienced fans, and true REdS who know how to support a Team are fewer & fewer every season..
to ignore that they only spent the accumulated income THIS last the reason NOW is the first believable title challenge, even UEFA #1 ranking Rafa's REdS had no backing..
its the same as UK politics , you argue about a sore thumb , whilst the "patient" is dying of a heart attack!
I like Juergen but he is their employee, after all!
Team and supporters have had the "blip" now they have to show they are worthy of the title "Champions"
Christopher Richard Smith updated his cover photo.
February 6, 2018 at 9:16 AM ·
global SUICIDE? is madness ? yes , a person who pipes exhaust fumes back into his car, would be suicidal, because the posion KILLS, yet , you car drivers etc PUMP 6 BILLION TONNES of poison into our atmosphere every year, increasing with "3rd worlders " joining the madness...
whilst USAcorp and other "democracies" avoid vital alternatives energies since a century..the oil lobby and selfish policians are HELPING your SUICIDE,, and yet, you vote for them keep your JOB... you wont need one when you and every other living thing is dead?
February 4, 2016 ·
for Danica Stancic for you "Dax"..on your birthday..
another day, u say that u hate..
but my wish is always too late
that u stayed and knew better
but now i dont even get a letter! :)
(or sms , email etc) ha ha
I wish YOU ALL the VERY best
I live now in Dg , who would have guessed?
it reminds me every day
that "Dani love" got away..
i hope u get all you deserve..
and one day find me.. if u have the nerve:)
Chris x
------------------------------Poem> -----not a new year for me
i live somewhere else, you see
its a place i know well
where it is , i wont tell,
my universe has wall
a roof, so very tall
you cannot come inside
when hurts , its where i hide
these days are different
families and others seem bent
to do at one time
oops i almost forgot to rhyme.. :0
why cant you be , all year round
caring, loving and profound..
i miss the ones i love
don't think if they are above
i will survive this pain
and win through, again
yesterday, now and tomorrow
i will survive all sorrow,,,
ChRiS 190101 00.30h ..some of my uni-verses
again.. so soon this day
for Zhujeta
i still cannot forget her
13 people I hosted
had a party, the most did...
no mention of chicken
that story is done
but if you visit me again
we coulkd start another one..
Take care & best wishes in my mothers homeland..
x Christopher Richard Smith
title: dont waste my time
there is not a much bigger crime
than to waste my time
dont be a bore
i dont have much more
this life is all I have got
so dont let me rot
whilst I am waiting for you
and if you havent got a clue
what I am talking about
a smack in your ear
will solve your doubt!
(ex: is it such a hard thing to do? respect another person enough not to keep them hanging around?…we only have so much time, its a disgrace to waste it, but for another person to waste it for us is a crime, and if its part of some political/business/or sexual
manipulation, then shame on you!…)
A man can’t be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
Oscar Wilde
"a poem, just something came into my crazy head this morning... :)
"dedicated to my "Viirtual Girlfriend" ; Ms P. Il-low"
she wont leave me, or betray me
she is keen,
she only departs briefly, to stay clean :)
when I wake up , and its cold or rainy outside
i hold her close, and I know with pride..
we will stay together
no matter what weather..
she don't lie, cheat or steal
do i care if she is "real" ?
yeah, those modern fee-males are an actual muddle
my girl, just wants a cuddle..
is she asian, her name kor-ean?
Caucasian? , i just know where she has been :)
i am some way through such a beautiful life
...once I had a wonderful wife
but now they are mostly mean,
need their shopping and to look lean,
Ms P, is not like those stupid girls,
with straight hair, or in "cute curls"
with curves that make a man dream,
but inside them, they aren't what they seem....
so i hold her tight, i cant call it love
I don't ask anything from some one "above"
even if i sleep alone..
i am never the only :)
Christopher Richard Smith
January 22, 2016 at 8:54 AM ·
no matter how many things I live through and life experience I have its STILL amazing how quickly someone , especially a modern "feemale" can "change... like 720 degrees! ..." just over a week ago, someone I did my best to help , who was in a difficult situation, asked me to be her BEST friend forever, and called me "guardian angel" ... so I told her the truth about her situation, I offered to go with her to "womans rights" so she could collect advice about what she can do...(without obligations) and ME being me , when I thought she (and another person she was with) was wrong TOLD her my opinion and the consequences, because thats how I live and survive this mad world, bu telling it as it is,.
I have my ego too, and I dont like being used...
and when that person I help turns aganst me .."bites my hand" I ask myself ,,,why?? ...ANSWER; because its easier to attack me , AND to admit my truth ,THAN TO DEAL WITH THE THINGS IN HER LIFE! c'est la vie! she wont be the first to do this and probably not the last, BECAUSE I WONT CHANGE BEING ME!
........... there is the duty to care
and the chance to dare
only the old forget
the people one has met
selfish beings inhabit this earth
do not know what is worth
pollute each other with greed
and say , "its what I need"
me me me , is all I hear
its ok to shed a tear
be happy in what you do
but remember i am connected to you
we are all one,
in the rain or under the sun
@harveytuttle @EuRED09 @Balkanist @MeGovernment @ECHRPublication @HRC "Justice' ..."Challenge" how can something that does not exist anywhere, (justice) least of all , in the Balkans, be "challenged" ? fake & BS is all you write (right) #censoRED #colouREDS
JK perhaps got it wrong, injuries etc, and we could discuss his selection all day long... but i dont see how the tradition is disrespected by Lfc or its coach WHEN the FA themselves sold a great footballing tradition to "THE EMIRATES" ffs , (global promotion of the cup is now as "THE EMIRATES FA Cup" ....FFS wake up.. Moores sold (or rather gave away) Lfc to the boardroom sharks of USAcorp.(part 1) , the football league belongs to SLY tv, and some fans are getting upset about a very decent wolves team beating the Lfc 2nd string 2-1 with a kid playing CB ... ? hmmm... me I am looking at the CB and CAPTAIN of wolves and thinking another bit of fsg polciy went wrong, particularly when Lfc have to pay out record sums and today are struggling to fill 2 CB places with relevant quality.. CONOR COADY is a SCOUSER let go by fsg 2013 ... but no one wants to talk about it..because the sharks part 2, have , only in the last year, spent some of the massive income accumulated ) ! because the hype distracts fans from criticism of the Lfc board.
J is more or less right and Supporters stay, fans come & go, with the fickle attitude of modern society, a supporter will know what its like to scream "no surrender" shoulder to shoulder on the original Kop, a fan will just as likely insult a player on social media as wave a scarf at YNWA.. poor article notably written by a "fan.... (tempting to add to this, but TAW wont print criticism)
whats important?
estimated 25,000 kids die worldwide due to selfish govt & corporate policies (every day) no pics,
because not enough white people are dying!?
January 15, 2015 ·
copied from CSing site (now blocked) "they" banned Harvey , they deleted profiles, blocked websites emails and sms "they" enslave YOU, and you just feed the monster...
Simplified Version
This simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been created especially for young people.
CS> its TRAGIC that its the LAST thing applied by officials of the state your in, and not the FIRST things taught to your children, BY YOU!
and although all "democratic" state leaders Worldwide signed to apply this, NOT one state keeps the promise...
HAVING "rights" is one thing GETTING your rights is unlikely unless you STAND UP for yourself against the abuses & violations that affect EVERY person, EVERY day!
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.
CS> Well, if you dont have a political lobby, media connections or are rich, you WONT get these rights promised to you...
2. Don’t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.
CS> Every policeman discriminates, due to the social pressures and dictators that the business, religious or political powers enforce!
you simply DONT get these rights, and if officials or civilians discriminate, for example, treat you with disrespect, because you are poor,
its unlikely that anyone will care, its now almost impossible to live in their world, without a credit card, car or mobile phone, let alone
if you happen to support the "wrong" poltics, religion or be in an "alienated" minority..
3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
CS> The state and/or private agencies control your movement and interfere with your communications, and will detain you on "suspect" grounds
without impartial cause or process, you are segregated by borders & fences and the rich and powerful demand payments for you to "live" so,
WHERE is the "freedom" ?????
and with them now employing robot drones that may kill you or someone in your neighbourhood, who is "profiled"
WHERE is the "safety"???
4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.
CS> You are all slaves to the system, because if you try to escape from it, or drop out, you are made to feel "wrong" and your children are
taught to feed the system, so you all "learn to be slaves" !!!
5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us.
CS> Yet state "security" agents USE torture on "suspects" and openly admit it.
YOU will do nothing against that !!! (until they do it to YOU!)
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. I am a person just like you!
CS> You have no rights, if you are considered, without trial or process to be "subversive" or criminal, anywhere.
7. We’re All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.
CS> The lawyers, politicians and their policemen are biased, you are treated as guilty until proven innocent. NO ONE gets " a fair and impartial treatment".
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.
CS> So who do YOU ask, (for "help") when its the "law" who violate, y-our rights???
9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there, or to send us away from our country.
CS> Yet your state or the state who occupy the land you travel, can and do it every day to thousands, and find excuses to detain you, as they wish.
10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public. The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do.
CS> The system is biased in favour of the prosecution, so what if it is "public" the state can and does present the "facts" it selects. (and deny you your own evidence)
11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven. When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true.
CS> YOU May believe you are innocent, but once you are arrested the "system" deals with you as "guilty" denies you contact with your people, restricts movement and correspondence,
(thus making you "stressed" before they "process you") if you canot afford "bail" or the accusation is serious, they may keep you in severe conditons without visitors or outside contact.
12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters, or bother us or our family without a good reason.
CS> Sounds Good, reality, prosecutors can and do bend the truth to suit their accusations against you, and will convince lazy & (many) inept judges to invade your privacy
nowdays "in the name of security" you have NO PRIVACY!!!
13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish.
CS> BUT you have to pass through borders, and frontiers, have to have "correct papers" and state officials can and do decide to refuse you passage, without explaining why.
(see "discrimination" you forget that this world once belonged to all its inhabitants, not, as now, conntrolled by the few!
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.
CS> Where in the world is safe when the super powers can use satellites and drones to find & kill you? (if thry "pre judge" you?)
15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country.
CS> Which nationality respects these 15 articles? None , so why would you want to belong to any of them???
THE REALITY OF THE PERVERTED "UN DECLARATION" ( and its ECHR equivalent!) has been diluted by fear and greed, by the "powers that be"
( the irony that these articles were sent into the Universe to show or "trick" "Intelligent Aliens" that this planet is "civiized" , well...this "civilization" is destroying itself, so my Alien friends, stay way, because the so called "Human Race" will pollute your atmosphere too..)
THE people who should beserving these aims are the ones who in fact escalate negativity and form a global DIS CRIMI NATION ..
that I dont belong fact most of the "terrorists" are in suits, ties and uniforms...or employed by them!
IF you act "different" they wont protect you,, they "PROFILE" you, discriminate, violate, alienate, and eventually persecute you,
in the way (apparently) they did 2000 years ago to "JC" or to anyone who dares tell the truth.. Ghandi, Madela Che, or any "whistleblower" or whoever challenges the "matrix" , and me :)
are you part of the problem??? , or part of the solution... because when you sink like the titanic..with them..
who is going to offer YOU a "life-boat?"
enthusiasm is so rare now, apathetic sheeple allow corruption and waste,
"success comes from going from failure to failure with ..enthusiasm" (WC)
stop trying to buy a ticket for the (system) titanic (after it has hit the iceberg,)
BUILD a "llifeboat" ..before u drown in stupidity..
_______________________or for ME?
Honesty, so rare,
no one will dare,
to care ,
so there!
....the consequence ;
u will be gone
...the planet and I are then alone
u dont help, but, I just needed to make....
Teams .... the most intelligent society , is a good football team ,
when members take responsibility or pass it to another when preferable., for the sake of the collective
Hopes, U will be..or .to be?
• Be my soul-mate...
• Be my equal.
• Have faith and trust in me, please don’t lie to me....
• Want to know who i am (not what I have)
• Respect and exchange my experience and culture
• Enjoy my humour & hospitality
• Will care how I feel & be kind to me when I am low..
• Be my “mate”
• Stay loyal to each other ...and stand by me against all.
• To be the only one, who TRULY knows me!
• Lots of cuddles & kisses (not only on sms!)
• Sensual MORE than sex, and Dancing together when ever possible,
= A spiritual connection..
===================================================================Agenda Campaign target 2022/2023
I am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune,
Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...
Robin Hood, without arraws, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war,
an advocate, without a lwa, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,
a husband without a wife..I am ME, without you!.....Alone and all one.... complete.!
Lbird in response to
we now have the REdGEM-GEMREd ability to include over 23 million on an alternative to FB with the L'biRD coin AS our global currency and improve the local and global community for all REdS worldwide
my academIA ( A.K.A de ME?)
(by year 2023) 🙂
Agenda 2022-2023
to " president of Vice ", post election may 2022..
to be enforced ; agenda in first year;
Clean up Lands, water, air, and people
(ban plastic bags! & no burningnature!)
Anti-establishment - equal society for all.
Freeze on food imports - encourage own food production
Environmental improvement ; renovation before new construction
Car FREE zones in all cities and towns
- Pg free from traffic between City qvart / Stari Grad
borders -
- open to all visitors & Migrants who wish to contribute/share are welcome
- Closed to all Military, (inc NATO) foreign corporations (above SME status)
- close all embassies - open co-operation with ALL peoples who co-operate with "Monty"
Hemp & Canabis production allowed by all private/home farms (gardens or terraces)
managed via Monty - co-operative
Shares in MOnty co-operative for all people - profit share
All income from "nature parks" to be shared
- 50% used to improve environment
- 50% for improved /free facilities for youth (culture, sport, social, music & arts)
find job for "the duke" (Milo)
Universal President
..then google it or go to
alternatively It could be the BAR where our FU mission MEd1A team "hang out" silly expression..
WE will be alternative.. and you will continue to ignore our we hurtle towatds the storm that will wipe all human "race" off the face of this planet..ohhhh? maybe? no, for sure..
TV Series like "homeland" House of cards & "deep state: fictionize the actions of employees of one "state or another" but the truth is even harder to accept.. so no one accepts it.. as one comment stated..
USA, UK, French or now Russian forces rape the various parts of the world, (Africa for example) and steal the resources since 1000 s of years ... colonise or trick into one-sided deals or push them into wars that ravage these lands...
THEN...the varous politicians and dark agents of under cover activities stoke up prejudice amongst the ignorant sheeple of the world who then turn against the migrants or even refugees of the regions damaged by afore-mentioned forces (and NATO for example , infest those "strategic locations" with military bases after buying off the local government officials and so it goes on & on
..and you pay your taxes to keep it going on...
so who IS responsible for the damage & misery around the world ..who are the fools ? = YOU are! YOU FEED THE MONSTER...
part of our MEd1A TEAM;
daily posts via
by ; harvey.tuttle.7 and /Redawn plus other guests
we will add programs promoted on radio & net & links we like;
such as;
still Searching for intelligent life...on earth>
"souvenirs" ;
last night the "Bizzies" came into the caffe at about 04h to complain about the party, what cheek :p
March 24, 2016 at 10:56 AM · Podgorica ·
. I can not message , because the "friends at US agency" block me ...IN A "FREE society" ask yourself why they "censor" alternatives...!
March 24, 2012 at 1:36 PM ·
every day....dictators (on facebook or other aspects of the net) ruin your lives...every day corrupt people make this planet dirtier, every day corrupt "officials" get away with it, every day the mass looks away, the public ignores their friends who cheat, every day people get weaker and every day more kids suffer, and their future goes down the toilet with the choking of the air...but s its ok, enjoy yr weekend..its sunny! ..come on U REdS ! ;) wink wink!
March 5, 2016 at 10:34 AM · Podgorica ·
Good Morning, News its ONLY 19 TRILLION DOLLARS IN DEBT.. yeT , they still preach the "american nightmare" to the rest of the world! ... but who is really stupid? I suggest it is you, if you are those who follow the "US(eless) preachers" :) ..................btw , "get out of our club" (u greedy b'stards)
recommended viewing ; "the insider" ...accurate recount of a TRUE story of the "whistleblower" who dared to expose the ADDICTIVE POISON within cigarettes... & the USA tobacco industry making profit out of killing YOU! ... (oh when will they censor me permanently?) ;) ... educated people are making canabis LEGAL in THEIR countries , but those who dont simply want to TAX you on the poison you voluntarily consume... ha ha ..intelligent Life on this planet?// ?? unlikely...and rare!
June 12, 2013 at 10:24 PM ·
the govts. of the whole world are much the same.. it was predicted 20 years ago that the last world war would be between northern hemisphere and south...that was a mis-interpretation of that which is currently happening across the globe.. those in power will use any means against the poor and the public to retain their position, property or status, and DO violate all human rights in the process,
in the USA......
..."Taxim" wont happen..because they eliminate activists BEFORE they go public... blame the people, because the people's apathy or greed have allowed this to happen, the storm is here, in nature and society ... the titanic sunk, (a long time ago,even if u didnt notice) so , better make yourself a LIFE boat!
be well!"
oooohhhh..sheer nostalgia .. the scenes, the streets, the music, (the small ad for the Beatles! ) the port.. the fashion (my Beatles haircut ) suits & ties .. just add footy Shanks & ignite.. = LIVERPOOL .."there are places I remember... :
Chris >
greetings & best wishes ;) from friends of
& MEd1A TEAM @
Evolving Co-operative initiative... here @
The alternative"Mr Smith"
this is the "TRAILER" of a TRUE story...

the film "Matrix" had one of the "agent Smith:..
this is our version.. a true one...
a universal spirit chose a family from the Island north of europe
to host a child born to a mature couple who had survived WW2
and he became the youngest ,
by 10 years born into that socialist home..
An intense child, who suffered from migrains..
who listened to the exchanges
of his parents and his brothers & sister ,
he was 10 years their junior..and alone in his room,
studied science fixtion, addicted to SF TV like "space patrol" and later "Star Trek"
at 10 studied Strategies of WW2 generals
...and was "at home" when playing 007 with his neighbours
...his mother told him much about life
, who was engaged in socialist politics
he loved her & his honest, quiet but strong father. he soaked up info..
migrains stole school time
... but when fit would spend all day playing football in the fields
or acting out imaginary stories in the empty concrete AA bunkers...
Bill and Nancy Smith, buried at Canvey showed much love, Everyone loved died or was stolen, saw his Dad buried,
the only funeral he was able to attend. having survived being Blind at the age of 5 , falling on a glass bottle in a field.
coped with being alone in an adult eye hospital in London, 3 months blind and 3 months recovery.
protected a polio kid on my first day of school, and knocked out a bully with one punch!
Enjoyed history and Geography , had a bad art & music teacher , and was top in Maths & english.
became the youngest captain of the local football team.
but abandoned his great passion, to
help his family income, & a job ,given at his first and last proper interview, at 16,
in wine shipping co, London
The first "sexual relationship" with a girl who then told him she had a daughter from a man who ran off and left her,
so married her and adopted 6 month old Sarah. Adam was born a year later...
became Manager (Logistics) of London shipping co. at the age of 19, when they found he could do the job,cheaper and better than the older man, (middle aged man)
with house, wife amd adopted family.
His first wife left him , going home to visit her mother , she met a younger man, (!) after ADAM was born..
she left a " dearjohn" note and Smith's pain turned into energy channeled into career & football..
career took over his time though,.( but still managed to support his club during business travels later)
Joined "ISIS shipping" (hello c1a!) London and became international Commercial manager ,
organising shipments taking over from middle aged Peter King, began pan - european travel & negociating agent tarifs at 21
..and a couple of years later, after crashing his first new company car on a french holiday with girfriend (GM)
crashed another car during an interview with another company, which he quit a week later,
before becoming Youngest manager (new service development) of the largest logistics company in europe (Calberson)with head office in Paris,
then head-hunted by Essel shipping London, who "bought" HIM)
was fired after a rumour betrayed him,
Started Seabrook & Smith Ltd, in the middle of a recession, had unique a method of management ,
with just 2 people organising the movement of several million bottles from zero with just 500 GBP invested. tHus, Achieved all career goals before age 30,
to be a manager, to travel, to own own company & after just 2 years as instigator, MD/co-owner was Multi millionaire (based on todays monetary value)
married the beautiful Jacqui, best friend & colleague of his gf !!
Some meddling by partners wife
...after leaving S & S."party period" , formed 8 companies; agencies, import/export, shipping, distribution, forwarding, wine warehouse and wine win bar,
had to deal with family crisis when Informed that my first wife had allowed one of her many BFs to violate children Sarah & Adam, (discovered 5 years later)
Adam died as adult. mental sickness...(drugs ^ etc)
After he survived betrayal by investment partners,(one who died in a :plane crash; RW) conspiracy by ex partner GF,
Linda & Brother , losing a Million GBP& family. house and all assets, became :house man: and started again.... became freelance strategic manager,
initiating many different networking and JV projects including lecturing senior police commanders about security management, developed confidential protects,
met many unusual govt and business characters before starting ANOTHER new career included 1988 awarded commendation for record investment achievement,
highest commission earned whilstconsulting for SAS (Sun Alliance Services) :) within 1 year of training
...during this changing travel time.. was Made "man of the year" (during Bordeaux covention) by Round Table International (europe) for achievements
in international co-ordination, also RT Italia gave "homorary membership, despite being "loose" unattached to any fixed location.
made some new peofit which was invested all into 7 years construction of Global networking multi media project ("to end all projects")
development of multi-media comms connecting clients in 45 countries, with 300 partner companies & 500+ services
.....Having Walked away, unhurt, from 3 car crashes where the cars were "written off" ...(Trento too with Jacqui, Karen & dave, story at Wine bar
)... At the network fruition , after a week negotiating , amongst other things ,
the commercialization of former soviet satellite system,to employ 2k ppl, "silicon valley"
.....survived a meningitis induced coma
and was
"Born again" ; dropped out of system, with a clear vision of a better world.
vowed NEVER to work for money again, and be HONEST in all endeavours , whatever the cost, for the sake of the planets children.
* Formed Freedome & Union (mission) & associated charity projects (EPOCH)
Human Shields -
protection of hospitals & schools in Baghdad pre-invasion
- free health services for "sans papier" migrants/refugees
NGO.s for ... those violated by the state, & estranged children & parents
Eco courses for environmental education & anti nuclear and anti pollution actions
During 10 years of "alternative activism"
made 54 complaints against german "Beamte" police, attorneys, judges, civil servants, officials, politicians & citizens at ECHR (Strasbourg)
(state reacted by fake deportation and assisted theft of children Leon & Noela.)
Organised first "RED nose (charity) events in Netherlands (Groeningen) & Montenegro (Danilovgrad)
Youth Teams - S
ponsored in the Balkans & various charitable projects (* RED nose events and support for various individuals)
.....and was "attacked" for forming , sponsoring and promoting ALTERNATIVE football
confederation...(AeFan ; eurofootyliga) ...
is now....ALIVE
re. The blog. ..
Such a conglomeration of opinions from different philosophers, religious leaders, TED talkers and politically active comedians... some really great, some naive, some questionable, some condescending... but all delivered by the blogger with a full complement of their favourite expletives and ridicule of anyone who would challenge or even simply disagree with their opinions and judgement, like they know beyond doubt that they are right and we shall ignore what they say at our peril.
It seems to me that this blog is its own definition of irony... telling us not to be sheeple while telling us to pay attention only to what they are blogging.
What a shame that such good content is so diluted by such poor content.
Ed Gilchrist> Crvena... did you know that the blog link comes with a Google Warning? ...although I'm not making any statement about whether a censorship by Google is a good thing or a bad thing ;-)
Here's what it tells you when to click the link...
"Content Warning
Some readers of this blog have contacted Google because they believe that this blog's content is objectionable. In general, Google does not review nor do we endorse the content of this or any blog. For more information about our content policies, please visit the Blogger Terms of Service."
Mark Anthony> Ed Gilchrist Not sure what Google is doing with that warning. As with most media which is subject to warnings/banning whether it be films, books, social media etc then audience figures go through the roof. I would personally seek out anything which was banned in order to see why so
Jim All the mass debating will not change the result either. The outcome was to leave.
Crvena Dawn > Ed Gilchrist & Jim ..well the nations media decided that Hillsborough was our fault... we didnt accept that because it was wrong..but the future direction of your nation was based on a farce and you accept it? its a mess and the result will be a fudge and thats that! biggest defeat of justice in history of england
Ed Gilchrist > Crvena.... It's a mess now because too many of our MPs chose to go back on their word and oppose the result. Have you actually read the treaties?? I suggest you do. We can then have a proper discussion about specifics.
If you want a federal europe, that's OK. Many people do. If you don't, then we need to be out.
Crvena Dawn > still missed the point, u look at everything like a scientist not as a concept, and the sheeple just follow .. "Europe" broken up will be handed to extreme factions, fascism & "patriots (like ukippers) solve it! (fexit ha ha) dont run away from it it wont happen, and everyone will suffer either way .. but if it does will only have yourselves to blame for the consequences of a lost continent,..ah but why should i waste my time on englanders was lost as soon as you voted for the Tories (and the Blair version of capitalism before them) .. ..enough of this BS!.. blind lead the sheeple into the abyss ..
==============================================__ _____________________________________________
"what WE do @ Liverpool - echoes in Eternity"
#censoRED #LbiRD #REdEvolvers #REdNET #colouREDS
K i T (Kids in trouble) charitable initiative ; part of F & U mission ; CRS Campaign ; Montenegro 2022 intro video @
5 year plan ; and campaign ; true REd Evolution
with greetings from friends of
@RedAlieNeT @RedAndWhiteKop @MelissaReddy. BS! dont need anyone having a name bigger than LIVERPOOL or our emblem =over 30 million ans worldwide WE make "own label" shirts with a factory deal that could cut the costs in half for supporters & still profit.. #censoREDS #REdNET
modern fans conned into narrow thinking that they MUST have commercial sh&te all over our shirts,,,
The idea of this local (K.I.T associated) dojo is not only defensive judo but also to exercise all muscles & character building,
too many adopt aggressive martial arts which is un-necessary ...
Marija is doing a great job with kids and also showing them how to believe in themselves instead of following the herd,,
, :)
the main problems here are ..
a) most fans do NOT understand or do not care about these ManCiteh FRAUD klub violations and.....
MORE IMPORTANT ..since 2014 ...(when they "bought the title" )
UEFA, FIFA, and most of the FA's officials are either inefficient or CORRUPT..
so who polices the police?
and b)
this problem is not exclusive to Football! its true of the world of government ... either inept or corrupt or both..!
Christopher Richard Smith
because some people abuse a church,? does that mean all the churches of "Christian faith" in all the world,
how many thousands? should be locked at night..???
contradicts the beliefs that the christian messsiah stated to be followed..??? read your bible, mate :)
Chris> rather hear of a a priest staying up all night caring for the homeless than doing WHAT all day?
p.s. and what has the church got , or have , that should not be stolen , is it there for the human benefit, or as just a symbol ? surely CHRISTian ("meaning Christ-like") needs opening up for the poor & needy to be helped and saved,, would your Christ want people freezing, starving or dying in the streets whilst your priests , monks or nuns are inside int he warm & fed?
Tim Moore > And there are royal residencies with their thousands of spare rooms at any one time.
Chris> and of course their ancestors stole the land from the people and then demanded tax ,
its amazing how people have just accepted this crime!
... if you look around the world, just think how many properties are empty ,
its a disgrace.. speculation & marketing causes inflation and the cost of producs etc to rise,
but ppl are their own worst enemy .. just keep feeding the monster which is killing us
'It is a thousand times better to have common sense without education than to have education without common sense.
~Robert G. Ingersoll'
you could not make it up, the USA is SO ridiculous now, that its impossible to pass reasonable comment.
their "material " will keep comedians in business for the next 100 years... (if the planet lasts that long //////......)
sick but laughable!…/-British-Political-Satirist-Jonathan Pie..…
_____________for me??, be careful what you wish for?
When you wave the "feminism flag" think how much power you already have..
...the power to say "NO" be a build a family , or NOT!
- the power to give birth to another Human BEing...consider that gift..!!!!!
- ..the power of influence to a new born and usually 5 years at least alone in your care..!
(? how many realise this before conception?)
... the power to be a single parent, if that's what you want..
..and the power to be a woman, to be feminine, care and love...or not! bond with nature...or ruin it by repeating the mistakes of man?
so , I repeat ; be careful what you wish may get it the responsibility & consequences that accompany power...
are huge...!
hypocrites! @TAW is not much better than those who knee-jerk! over ANALysis & extreme pre-post matcha hype, bigging up when silence would not go amiss! plus society is weker, & reflected in the Anfield crowd "spectators" balls needed on & off the pitch #censoRED #LbiRD
so many fail to get it, that route cause is the pressure mounting since 2007, when the first wave of boardroom sharks arrived.. no major trophy in 12 seasons is too much for inexperienced fans, and true REdS who know how to support a Team are fewer & fewer every season..
to ignore that they only spent the accumulated income THIS last the reason NOW is the first believable title challenge, even UEFA #1 ranking Rafa's REdS had no backing..
its the same as UK politics , you argue about a sore thumb , whilst the "patient" is dying of a heart attack!
I like Juergen but he is their employee, after all!
Team and supporters have had the "blip" now they have to show they are worthy of the title "Champions"
Christopher Richard Smith updated his cover photo.
February 6, 2018 at 9:16 AM ·
global SUICIDE? is madness ? yes , a person who pipes exhaust fumes back into his car, would be suicidal, because the posion KILLS, yet , you car drivers etc PUMP 6 BILLION TONNES of poison into our atmosphere every year, increasing with "3rd worlders " joining the madness...
whilst USAcorp and other "democracies" avoid vital alternatives energies since a century..the oil lobby and selfish policians are HELPING your SUICIDE,, and yet, you vote for them keep your JOB... you wont need one when you and every other living thing is dead?
February 4, 2016 ·
for Danica Stancic for you "Dax"..on your birthday..
another day, u say that u hate..
but my wish is always too late
that u stayed and knew better
but now i dont even get a letter! :)
(or sms , email etc) ha ha
I wish YOU ALL the VERY best
I live now in Dg , who would have guessed?
it reminds me every day
that "Dani love" got away..
i hope u get all you deserve..
and one day find me.. if u have the nerve:)
Chris x
------------------------------Poem> -----not a new year for me
i live somewhere else, you see
its a place i know well
where it is , i wont tell,
my universe has wall
a roof, so very tall
you cannot come inside
when hurts , its where i hide
these days are different
families and others seem bent
to do at one time
oops i almost forgot to rhyme.. :0
why cant you be , all year round
caring, loving and profound..
i miss the ones i love
don't think if they are above
i will survive this pain
and win through, again
yesterday, now and tomorrow
i will survive all sorrow,,,
ChRiS 190101 00.30h ..some of my uni-verses
again.. so soon this day
for Zhujeta
i still cannot forget her
13 people I hosted
had a party, the most did...
no mention of chicken
that story is done
but if you visit me again
we coulkd start another one..
Take care & best wishes in my mothers homeland..
x Christopher Richard Smith
title: dont waste my time
there is not a much bigger crime
than to waste my time
dont be a bore
i dont have much more
this life is all I have got
so dont let me rot
whilst I am waiting for you
and if you havent got a clue
what I am talking about
a smack in your ear
will solve your doubt!
(ex: is it such a hard thing to do? respect another person enough not to keep them hanging around?…we only have so much time, its a disgrace to waste it, but for another person to waste it for us is a crime, and if its part of some political/business/or sexual
manipulation, then shame on you!…)
A man can’t be too careful in the choice of his enemies.
Oscar Wilde
"a poem, just something came into my crazy head this morning... :)
"dedicated to my "Viirtual Girlfriend" ; Ms P. Il-low"
she wont leave me, or betray me
she is keen,
she only departs briefly, to stay clean :)
when I wake up , and its cold or rainy outside
i hold her close, and I know with pride..
we will stay together
no matter what weather..
she don't lie, cheat or steal
do i care if she is "real" ?
yeah, those modern fee-males are an actual muddle
my girl, just wants a cuddle..
is she asian, her name kor-ean?
Caucasian? , i just know where she has been :)
i am some way through such a beautiful life
...once I had a wonderful wife
but now they are mostly mean,
need their shopping and to look lean,
Ms P, is not like those stupid girls,
with straight hair, or in "cute curls"
with curves that make a man dream,
but inside them, they aren't what they seem....
so i hold her tight, i cant call it love
I don't ask anything from some one "above"
even if i sleep alone..
i am never the only :)
Christopher Richard Smith
January 22, 2016 at 8:54 AM ·
no matter how many things I live through and life experience I have its STILL amazing how quickly someone , especially a modern "feemale" can "change... like 720 degrees! ..." just over a week ago, someone I did my best to help , who was in a difficult situation, asked me to be her BEST friend forever, and called me "guardian angel" ... so I told her the truth about her situation, I offered to go with her to "womans rights" so she could collect advice about what she can do...(without obligations) and ME being me , when I thought she (and another person she was with) was wrong TOLD her my opinion and the consequences, because thats how I live and survive this mad world, bu telling it as it is,.
I have my ego too, and I dont like being used...
and when that person I help turns aganst me .."bites my hand" I ask myself ,,,why?? ...ANSWER; because its easier to attack me , AND to admit my truth ,THAN TO DEAL WITH THE THINGS IN HER LIFE! c'est la vie! she wont be the first to do this and probably not the last, BECAUSE I WONT CHANGE BEING ME!
........... there is the duty to care
and the chance to dare
only the old forget
the people one has met
selfish beings inhabit this earth
do not know what is worth
pollute each other with greed
and say , "its what I need"
me me me , is all I hear
its ok to shed a tear
be happy in what you do
but remember i am connected to you
we are all one,
in the rain or under the sun
@harveytuttle @EuRED09 @Balkanist @MeGovernment @ECHRPublication @HRC "Justice' ..."Challenge" how can something that does not exist anywhere, (justice) least of all , in the Balkans, be "challenged" ? fake & BS is all you write (right) #censoRED #colouREDS
JK perhaps got it wrong, injuries etc, and we could discuss his selection all day long... but i dont see how the tradition is disrespected by Lfc or its coach WHEN the FA themselves sold a great footballing tradition to "THE EMIRATES" ffs , (global promotion of the cup is now as "THE EMIRATES FA Cup" ....FFS wake up.. Moores sold (or rather gave away) Lfc to the boardroom sharks of USAcorp.(part 1) , the football league belongs to SLY tv, and some fans are getting upset about a very decent wolves team beating the Lfc 2nd string 2-1 with a kid playing CB ... ? hmmm... me I am looking at the CB and CAPTAIN of wolves and thinking another bit of fsg polciy went wrong, particularly when Lfc have to pay out record sums and today are struggling to fill 2 CB places with relevant quality.. CONOR COADY is a SCOUSER let go by fsg 2013 ... but no one wants to talk about it..because the sharks part 2, have , only in the last year, spent some of the massive income accumulated ) ! because the hype distracts fans from criticism of the Lfc board.
J is more or less right and Supporters stay, fans come & go, with the fickle attitude of modern society, a supporter will know what its like to scream "no surrender" shoulder to shoulder on the original Kop, a fan will just as likely insult a player on social media as wave a scarf at YNWA.. poor article notably written by a "fan.... (tempting to add to this, but TAW wont print criticism)
whats important?
estimated 25,000 kids die worldwide due to selfish govt & corporate policies (every day) no pics,
because not enough white people are dying!?
January 15, 2015 ·
copied from CSing site (now blocked) "they" banned Harvey , they deleted profiles, blocked websites emails and sms "they" enslave YOU, and you just feed the monster...
Simplified Version
This simplified version of the 30 Articles of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been created especially for young people.
CS> its TRAGIC that its the LAST thing applied by officials of the state your in, and not the FIRST things taught to your children, BY YOU!
and although all "democratic" state leaders Worldwide signed to apply this, NOT one state keeps the promise...
HAVING "rights" is one thing GETTING your rights is unlikely unless you STAND UP for yourself against the abuses & violations that affect EVERY person, EVERY day!
1. We Are All Born Free & Equal. We are all born free. We all have our own thoughts and ideas. We should all be treated in the same way.
CS> Well, if you dont have a political lobby, media connections or are rich, you WONT get these rights promised to you...
2. Don’t Discriminate. These rights belong to everybody, whatever our differences.
CS> Every policeman discriminates, due to the social pressures and dictators that the business, religious or political powers enforce!
you simply DONT get these rights, and if officials or civilians discriminate, for example, treat you with disrespect, because you are poor,
its unlikely that anyone will care, its now almost impossible to live in their world, without a credit card, car or mobile phone, let alone
if you happen to support the "wrong" poltics, religion or be in an "alienated" minority..
3. The Right to Life. We all have the right to life, and to live in freedom and safety.
CS> The state and/or private agencies control your movement and interfere with your communications, and will detain you on "suspect" grounds
without impartial cause or process, you are segregated by borders & fences and the rich and powerful demand payments for you to "live" so,
WHERE is the "freedom" ?????
and with them now employing robot drones that may kill you or someone in your neighbourhood, who is "profiled"
WHERE is the "safety"???
4. No Slavery. Nobody has any right to make us a slave. We cannot make anyone our slave.
CS> You are all slaves to the system, because if you try to escape from it, or drop out, you are made to feel "wrong" and your children are
taught to feed the system, so you all "learn to be slaves" !!!
5. No Torture. Nobody has any right to hurt us or to torture us.
CS> Yet state "security" agents USE torture on "suspects" and openly admit it.
YOU will do nothing against that !!! (until they do it to YOU!)
6. You Have Rights No Matter Where You Go. I am a person just like you!
CS> You have no rights, if you are considered, without trial or process to be "subversive" or criminal, anywhere.
7. We’re All Equal Before the Law. The law is the same for everyone. It must treat us all fairly.
CS> The lawyers, politicians and their policemen are biased, you are treated as guilty until proven innocent. NO ONE gets " a fair and impartial treatment".
8. Your Human Rights Are Protected by Law. We can all ask for the law to help us when we are not treated fairly.
CS> So who do YOU ask, (for "help") when its the "law" who violate, y-our rights???
9. No Unfair Detainment. Nobody has the right to put us in prison without good reason and keep us there, or to send us away from our country.
CS> Yet your state or the state who occupy the land you travel, can and do it every day to thousands, and find excuses to detain you, as they wish.
10. The Right to Trial. If we are put on trial this should be in public. The people who try us should not let anyone tell them what to do.
CS> The system is biased in favour of the prosecution, so what if it is "public" the state can and does present the "facts" it selects. (and deny you your own evidence)
11. We’re Always Innocent Till Proven Guilty. Nobody should be blamed for doing something until it is proven. When people say we did a bad thing we have the right to show it is not true.
CS> YOU May believe you are innocent, but once you are arrested the "system" deals with you as "guilty" denies you contact with your people, restricts movement and correspondence,
(thus making you "stressed" before they "process you") if you canot afford "bail" or the accusation is serious, they may keep you in severe conditons without visitors or outside contact.
12. The Right to Privacy. Nobody should try to harm our good name. Nobody has the right to come into our home, open our letters, or bother us or our family without a good reason.
CS> Sounds Good, reality, prosecutors can and do bend the truth to suit their accusations against you, and will convince lazy & (many) inept judges to invade your privacy
nowdays "in the name of security" you have NO PRIVACY!!!
13. Freedom to Move. We all have the right to go where we want in our own country and to travel as we wish.
CS> BUT you have to pass through borders, and frontiers, have to have "correct papers" and state officials can and do decide to refuse you passage, without explaining why.
(see "discrimination" you forget that this world once belonged to all its inhabitants, not, as now, conntrolled by the few!
14. The Right to Seek a Safe Place to Live. If we are frightened of being badly treated in our own country, we all have the right to run away to another country to be safe.
CS> Where in the world is safe when the super powers can use satellites and drones to find & kill you? (if thry "pre judge" you?)
15. Right to a Nationality. We all have the right to belong to a country.
CS> Which nationality respects these 15 articles? None , so why would you want to belong to any of them???
THE REALITY OF THE PERVERTED "UN DECLARATION" ( and its ECHR equivalent!) has been diluted by fear and greed, by the "powers that be"
( the irony that these articles were sent into the Universe to show or "trick" "Intelligent Aliens" that this planet is "civiized" , well...this "civilization" is destroying itself, so my Alien friends, stay way, because the so called "Human Race" will pollute your atmosphere too..)
THE people who should beserving these aims are the ones who in fact escalate negativity and form a global DIS CRIMI NATION ..
that I dont belong fact most of the "terrorists" are in suits, ties and uniforms...or employed by them!
IF you act "different" they wont protect you,, they "PROFILE" you, discriminate, violate, alienate, and eventually persecute you,
in the way (apparently) they did 2000 years ago to "JC" or to anyone who dares tell the truth.. Ghandi, Madela Che, or any "whistleblower" or whoever challenges the "matrix" , and me :)
are you part of the problem??? , or part of the solution... because when you sink like the titanic..with them..
who is going to offer YOU a "life-boat?"
enthusiasm is so rare now, apathetic sheeple allow corruption and waste,
"success comes from going from failure to failure with ..enthusiasm" (WC)
stop trying to buy a ticket for the (system) titanic (after it has hit the iceberg,)
BUILD a "llifeboat" ..before u drown in stupidity..
_______________________or for ME?
Honesty, so rare,
no one will dare,
to care ,
so there!
....the consequence ;
u will be gone
...the planet and I are then alone
u dont help, but, I just needed to make....
Teams .... the most intelligent society , is a good football team ,
when members take responsibility or pass it to another when preferable., for the sake of the collective
Hopes, U will be..or .to be?
• Be my soul-mate...
• Be my equal.
• Have faith and trust in me, please don’t lie to me....
• Want to know who i am (not what I have)
• Respect and exchange my experience and culture
• Enjoy my humour & hospitality
• Will care how I feel & be kind to me when I am low..
• Be my “mate”
• Stay loyal to each other ...and stand by me against all.
• To be the only one, who TRULY knows me!
• Lots of cuddles & kisses (not only on sms!)
• Sensual MORE than sex, and Dancing together when ever possible,
= A spiritual connection..
===================================================================Agenda Campaign target 2022/2023
I am ... Nikole Tesle ..without the tech,, Ghandi, without a Religion,, Lennon, without the tune,
Mandela, without the nation, Martin L-K, without the colour, "the kop" ..without the (modern) fans...
Robin Hood, without arraws, Geronimo, without a horse, Shanks, without a club, I am a leader without an army, A general without a war,
an advocate, without a lwa, A Rebel without his flag, and ...A father, without a child,
a husband without a wife..I am ME, without you!.....Alone and all one.... complete.!
Lbird in response to
we now have the REdGEM-GEMREd ability to include over 23 million on an alternative to FB with the L'biRD coin AS our global currency and improve the local and global community for all REdS worldwide
my academIA ( A.K.A de ME?)
(by year 2023) 🙂
Agenda 2022-2023
to " president of Vice ", post election may 2022..
to be enforced ; agenda in first year;
Clean up Lands, water, air, and people
(ban plastic bags! & no burningnature!)
Anti-establishment - equal society for all.
Freeze on food imports - encourage own food production
Environmental improvement ; renovation before new construction
Car FREE zones in all cities and towns
- Pg free from traffic between City qvart / Stari Grad
borders -
- open to all visitors & Migrants who wish to contribute/share are welcome
- Closed to all Military, (inc NATO) foreign corporations (above SME status)
- close all embassies - open co-operation with ALL peoples who co-operate with "Monty"
Hemp & Canabis production allowed by all private/home farms (gardens or terraces)
managed via Monty - co-operative
Shares in MOnty co-operative for all people - profit share
All income from "nature parks" to be shared
- 50% used to improve environment
- 50% for improved /free facilities for youth (culture, sport, social, music & arts)
find job for "the duke" (Milo)
Universal President
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